After a video of him dancing on the Dubai Metro went viral, an Asian man was arrested on a charge of “Committing a Public Indecent Act.” The issue was reported to Dubai Police, who stated that the man’s indecent behaviors bothered other passengers.
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According to Brigadier Obaid Al Hathboor, Director of Transport Security Department of Dubai Police, the police took action after the video began circulating on social media sites, with the individual displaying disrespectful and insensitive behavior toward those around him.
Asian Man Arrested after Viral Indecent Dancing Video in Dubai Metro
The man now faces a minimum of six months jail time and a fine of AED 5,000.
The transport security director further explained that under Article (358) of the UAE Penal Code, anyone who openly conducts an immoral and disgusting act faces a minimum of six months in prison or a fine of AED 5,000.
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He explained that the violator was also punished for not wearing a face mask in a public location. This was in breach of Cabinet Resolution No. (17) of 2020, which sought to restrict the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, and Resolution No. (38) of 2020, which sought to implement sanctions for violators.
The UAE has been at the forefront in the fight against the pandemic, ensuring that both the general population as well as commercial entities are coping with its effects on society and the economy. Time and time again, residents are reminded to adhere to public safety standards to prevent another unwarranted rise in the number of cases within communities.
Below is the post from Dubai Police official Twitter account about this incident:
#News | Dubai Transport Security arrests Asian for Committing an Indecent Act Publicly
— Dubai Policeشرطة دبي (@DubaiPoliceHQ) June 7, 2021