Thanks For My Job Service

It was my third week in Dubai and I still couldn’t find any good job leads. So I checked this website out called ThanksforMyJob. will email your resume to thousands of prospect employers in their database and you can expect a response from these employers so long as they have vacancies for the position you are applying for.

thanks for my job dubai
Thanks For My Job Dubai

I was already desperate because I still hadn’t found a job for quite some time. I felt hopeless that nobody was answering and even if there were few, I would not get past the interview stage just because my resume sucked. My job experience isn’t enough for them

I was told to go and walk-in as it is much better because you’ll be in contact face-to-face with possible managers that will hire you on the spot. But I was running out of time and I needed to find work fast!

I paid them a hundred fifty dirhams so they could submit my resume to a thousand email leads where HR personnel of the companies will be able to receive my application for various positions.

I was wary at first because of such service but true enough, after just a day, I had responses and I was able to get a job from this service. I’m so thankful that the 150 Dhs wasn’t that big of a fee for them to land me an opportunity to stay in Dubai.

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