Tips for Eco-Friendly Living in Dubai

Endangered species, extreme weather conditions, global warming — these are just some of the ecological issues facing the word today. And although we cannot totally foresee or control these things, we can do our part by leading an “eco-friendly” lifestyle.

There are many things that we can do to help save the environment, right from the comforts of our own home. This article presents several tips for “living green,” whether you are here in Dubai — or anywhere else in the world, for that matter!

How to Lead an “Eco-Friendly” Lifestyle in Dubai

Tip #1 – Turn appliances off when not in use.
This is a simple, energy-saving habit that people often take for granted. Before leaving the house, make sure that all appliances, lights, and gadgets have been switched off or unplugged. If you are living with kids, get them into this eco-friendly habit as well.

Tip #2 – Save water.
This is another environment-saving tip that would make Mother Nature happy. You can do this by limiting your shower time, switching the faucet off while brushing your teeth, and checking for leaks or broken pipelines regularly.

Tip #3 – “Air dry” your laundry.
Yes, summers can get unbearably hot in Dubai. But there is one great advantage: air drying! Place your newly-washed clothes out in the sun, and they’ll dry in just a few hours. Rather than using the tumble dryer, save on electricity and “air dry” your clothes instead.

Tip #4 – Use low-energy lighting at bedtime.
Disco-themed light bulbs and carousel projectors may be all the rage, but these also eat up plenty of energy. If you really must have some light before bedtime, try using a low-energy light bulb or lamp instead. There are models that come with a timer, which switches off after an hour or so.

Tip #5 – Practice “Earth Hour” regularly.
We’ve all heard of “Earth Hour,” which observes one hour of “no electricity” every year all over the world. But why limit it to once a year, when you can do it weekly, or even daily? If you switch off everything between 8pm-9pm, this amounts to 30 hours of saved electricity per month!

Tip #6 – Try car pooling.
If you and your neighbors drive on the same route regularly, you could organize a car pooling system. For each day of the week, you could take turns driving and coming home from work. By using your car only once or twice a week, think of all the money you could save on gas!

Tip #7 – Buy fresh produce in farmers’ markets.
Unlike most grocery items, which are usually pre-packed and treated with chemicals, produce sold in farmers’ markets are fresh, organic, and grown locally. So not only will you be eating fresh produce, you’ll be helping the local farmers, as well.

Tip #8 – Grow your own greens.
You don’t need to have a green thumb or a huge garden to grow your own plants. You can start by putting a plant box by your window or some pots in your balcony. Do some research on what herbs, veggies, or flowering shrubs would grow best in your area, then you’re good to go!

Tip #9 – Follow the “3 Rs.”
“Re-use, reduce, and recycle” — a phrase that’s easy to remember, yet harder to put into practice! But seriously, these 3 Rs can go a long way in saving the planet. By re-using, reducing, and recycling our things, we can help minimize waste and save money at the same time!

As you can see, “green living” starts at home, but its impact is worldwide. By following these tips, you not only get to save on energy and money — you get to help save the planet, too!

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