Just the other day, we shared the news about a UAE inventor who tested a robot that could help disinfect homes. Today, we’d like to share about a disinfection pod that is specifically designed for businesses, public facilities, and office buildings.
The disinfection pods were launched on Monday, 27th April 2020 by Bee’ah, an integrated recycling, waste management, and environmental company in the UAE. These pods can be used by businesses to protect public health amid the current outbreak.

Bee’ah Launches Disinfection Pods for Businesses
In a statement, Bee’ah announced that the disinfection pods may be placed “at the entrance of facilities, complexes, buildings, or high-risk areas to eradicate viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms on a person or on their clothing in under 20 seconds,” WAM reported.
In terms of features, each disinfection pod by Bee’ah:
- Is triggered by motion detection to spray a mist on passing individuals for 20 seconds;
- Contains disinfectants that are compliant with regional and international guidelines, and are non-toxic to people and the environment; and
- Comes with the option to mount a thermal scanning system for monitoring the individual’s temperature, without contact.
Notably, Bee’ah has already been using such pods in their facilities where onsite personnel and essential workers are deployed. These have also been installed at royal palaces, as well as at the entrances of the Sharjah Broadcasting Authority building.

Innovative Solution for Workers’ Health and Safety
“Bee’ah is doing everything we can to prevent, limit, and contain the spread of COVID-19,” stated Khaled Al Huraimel, Group CEO of Bee’ah. “Through our new disinfection pods, we are going one step further by providing innovative solutions that protect the health and safety of our employees, and helping other businesses safeguard their own workforce.”
Al Huraimel also commended the essential workers who have been in the front lines, citing the “many brave men and women who continue to work in vital sectors, from health care and security to civil defense and police force.” Since these are the people who are most exposed to health risks, he said that new forms of protection need to be considered for them.
It is also worth noting that since the beginning of the outbreak, Bee’ah has been coordinating with the authorities, particularly with regard to Sharjah’s disinfection drive. In fact, more than 200 Bee’ah vehicles — street-washing vehicles, trucks with mounted high-pressure sprayers and disinfecting foggers — are being used daily to help disinfect residential areas, commercial areas, public spaces, and government buildings across Sharjah.
In addition, the company’s 7,000-strong workforce have undergone hygiene and sanitation training, while waste collection and city cleaning vehicles are thoroughly disinfected after each shift. Moreover, the number of people staying per room in worker accommodation buildings has been reduced, while mandatory health checks and quarantine zones have also been set up.

Indeed, the use of disinfection pods in the entrance of buildings and public facilities will definitely help keep harmful viruses at bay. And even though shopping malls and retail outlets have started to open recently (with limitations), let us take extra precaution and consider staying home longer, for our own health and safety, as well as that of our families and friends.