Just the other day, we shared a video of police officers distributing face masks and personal protective supplies to citizens and residents of Abu Dhabi. Today, we’d like to show you another video as part of the country’s efforts towards combating the outbreak.
The video features a helicopter from Abu Dhabi Aviation (ADA) flying across the capital, displaying messages in Arabic and English, spreading awareness about the pandemic, and urging community members to stay at home, avoid mass gatherings, and maintain social distancing.

Awareness Campaign Launched via Helicopter Messages
The campaign started on Sunday, 12th April 2020, in Abu Dhabi and will spread to the other emirates over the next few days, according to an ADA press release. It is addressed towards all groups of society, urging them to take precautions amid the pandemic.
The campaign is part of ADA’s efforts in line with the UAE’s measures to address the outbreak by keeping people safe, protecting their health and well-being, and joining the global effort towards preventing the spread of the pandemic.

Through helicopters displaying the messages “Dedication at Work” and “Safety at Home,” the campaign serves as a reminder for residents to work from home and stay at home, in order to keep themselves and other people safe, and to avoid the risk of spreading the outbreak.
Notably, ADA happens to be the largest commercial helicopter operator and maintenance services in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. It provides aviation offshore oil support and other services worldwide, such as Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas production companies, for example.
The company also provides VVIP passenger transportation services, search and rescue for the UAE, crop spraying, aerial construction, seismic support, fire fighting in Europe, and third party maintenance support, among other services.
Here is a video of the helicopters spreading messages to combat the pandemic, as shared by @ADAviation_1975 on Twitter:
Abu Dhabi Aviation launches helicopter messages to spread Covid-19 awareness pic.twitter.com/fWfqVI46T5
— abudhabi_aviation (@ADAviation_1975) April 12, 2020
Latest Updates on the Outbreak
As of 12th April 2020, more than 22,000 additional virus tests were conducted in the UAE over the past few days, as part of the Ministry of Health and Prevention’s (MOHAP) efforts to intensify virus screening, WAM News Agency reported.
According to the latest test results, there are 387 new confirmed cases among different nationalities, raising the total number of infections in the UAE to 4,123. All of these cases are currently in stable condition and are receiving the necessary health care, MOHAP stated.
The Ministry also revealed the death of two patients, both of whom were Asian nationals and had pre-existing chronic illnesses. The total number of deaths in the UAE is now at 22.
On a lighter note, the Ministry announced the full recovery of 92 new cases, raising the total number of full recoveries in the country to 680.
In light of these updates, the Ministry continues to urge all citizens and residents of the UAE to comply with precautionary measures and to cooperate with health authorities.

Meanwhile, those who are feeling excessively worried, distressed, or afraid are encouraged to join this online campaign for mental support. Indeed, let us all do our part by following official instructions, maintaining social distancing, and simply staying at home.