After what can be considered as very challenging months here in the UAE, public transportation will be restored to normal operations very soon.
And if you’re planning to use public transport to go to work or for an essential trip, you have to understand that there are going to be new changes that all of us have to observe, at least until things go back to “normal”.

Here’s What You Should Know When Using Public Transportation in UAE
In this post, we will share 5 important reminders that we have to remember whenever we are going out or using public transportation daily.

1. Get to a Travel Point at least 30 minutes Ahead of Schedule.
Getting to travel points such as bus stations and the subway as early as 30 minutes before your schedule will help to keep Metro cabins or bus stations from overcrowding. According to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), commuters must reach the bus or Metro station well in advance.
If the bus or Metro that arrives already has enough passengers, remember the rule: Do not overcrowd and simply wait for the next ride. This is the reason why it’s important to create a leeway of at least 30 minutes for your trip.

2. Step back and observe personal space.
In this case, if it’s too close for comfort, then you can also consider it as unsafe. So whether you’re in line to get on the bus or just about to exit the Metro station, make sure that you are always maintaining a distance of at least six feet away from others.
To guide commuters on this, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has marked certain seats with the label ‘No Sitting’, which will help ensure physical distancing protocols are followed everywhere.

3. Always wear a face mask.
Even as some social activities are slowly being allowed in public, it’s still important to keep ourselves protected from contracting infections, especially since there is still no known vaccine or cure from the virus that has recently affected the entire world until now.
That said, it’s all the more important to protect yourself when you are using public facilities where you will come in contact with several people during a trip. In line with this, the RTA has posted stickers across its facilities reminding people to always wear masks.

4. Only two passengers will be allowed in a taxi.
The RTA has implemented strict guidelines, which limits the number of passengers permitted in a taxi to two.
As part of this precautionary measure, Dubai taxis have also installed ‘isolators’ – a physical barrier between the driver and the passenger in the backseat.

5. Practice the use of hand sanitizers and gloves.
While this is not mandatory, the RTA highly encourages the use of hand sanitizers and gloves whenever going out.
Also, as part of the best health and safety practices, remember to use hand sanitizers even if you are wearing gloves.
And once you take off your gloves, make it a habit to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water once you reach your destination.
As things are starting to slowly go back to normal in the UAE, there are still a few changes that we have to adopt for now as we are all still trying to cope with the effects of the virus that has affected millions of people across the globe.
ALSO READ: Self-Driving Vehicle Makes Rounds in UAE to Distribute PPE
Did we miss anything? What are other safety precautions that you do daily to keep yourself and your family healthy and safe? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.