An Emirates flight crash landing happened at the Dubai international airport earlier this August 2016. From Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum – India) to Dubai (UAE), the plane caught fire and had to make an emergency landing. With the quick action of the cabin crew and staff, all 282 passengers were able to escape the burning plane.
A week after the incident, a report from GulfNews states that some passengers received an email from Emirates mentioning that they will receive a total of 7000 USD financial assistance. 2000 USD is for the loss of luggage while 5000 USD is for other damages due to the accident. Passengers will also be given a full ticket refund.
“Of the $7,000, passengers have been informed that $2,000 is in respect of loss of luggage and personal effects and $5,000 is for any other damages they have suffered as a result of the accident, plus a full refund of the ticket.” – GulfNews report
Although Emirates has offered financial assistance, they have not yet disclosed the actual amount. Some passengers confirmed they received emails informing them of the compensation while some passengers have yet to receive the same emails.
There were 282 passengers on the flight and 18 Emirates crew members. During the rescue, one airport firefighter died. Investigation is still ongoing on the cause of the accident.
Other News Sources:
GulfNews –
Emirates 24/7 –
7Days –
Statement on EK521 by Emirates’ Chairman and Chief Executive, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Maktoum