The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has recently updated their Smart Drive app, which helps provide navigation along city roads. This latest move comes as part of the agency’s Smart Dubai strategic goal and the government’s Smart City initiative.
The RTA has always been active in launching new technologies for motorists and commuters. Earlier this year, they introduced a “smart meter” system, touch screens and free Wi-Fi in Dubai’s taxis. Likewise, they have also installed self-service machines across the city.

RTA Updates the Smart Drive App
“The user interface of Smart Drive app has been revamped where additional search features have been added, enabling users to specify their locations more accurately,” stated Engr. Maitha bin Adai, CEO of RTA’s Traffic and Roads Agency. “The process is assisted by new icons giving more details to the road’s traffic condition, and the use of Makani addressing system’s code on the application map.”
Through the latest update, the Smart Drive app is able to:
- Update the UAE map
- Define paid parking area zones
- Show locations of Dubai metro, tram, bus, and water bus stations
- Alert motorists about traffic conditions, maximum speed, and other information
The upgraded app also includes these features:
- Payment of parking fees
- Bilingual voice command (Arabic, English)
- Options for map display (auto, day, or night mode)
- More enhanced and interactive landmarks (2D or 3D display)

Image Credit: Dubai Media Office
Millions of Users and a High Rating
Since RTA launched the Smart Drive app in 2014, more than three million users have downloaded it — indicating its usefulness and popularity among the residents of Dubai. Remarkably, users of both Android and iOS devices have given the app a rating of 4.5 stars.
“These updates of Smart Drive app have been adopted in the context of our endeavors to improve services offered to residents and visitors of Dubai,” Engr. Maitha bin Adai explained. “They also echo the Smart City initiative and contribute to the realization of RTA’s first strategic goal: Smart Dubai, and its vision of Safe and Smooth Transport for All.”

Image Credit: Dubai Media Office
Without a doubt, the Smart Drive app can help us locate our destinations, plan our routes, and make travel-related transactions. Of course, aside from using this app, we should also be aware of the laws and regulations on the road, as specified in this list of traffic rules and regulations in Dubai.