The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has just launched a set of “new generation” self-service machines across the city. These machines enable customers to transact payments using cash, bank accounts, or credit cards — plus a host of other special features.
This latest move indicates RTA’s continuing efforts to enhance their services and make things easier for the public. Earlier this year, they installed a smart meter system in taxis. Likewise, they’ve installed free Wi-Fi and touch screens in taxis as well.

Image Credit: Dubai Media Office
RTA Installs Newly Updated Self-Service Machines
“Twenty new generation self-service machines have recently been launched, in a project that aims to facilitate transactions, processing, and realize RTA’s objective of enhancing the partnership between the public and private sectors,” announced Ahmed Mahboub, Executive Director of Customer Service at RTA’s Corporate Administrative Support Services Sector.
The new machines have been installed at the headquarters of RTA, as well as in affiliated customers happiness centers situated around Dubai. They are connected to RTA and its contracting companies, thus enabling their customers to process various transactions.
According to Mahboub, the “new generation” machines have the following features:
- Advanced electronic security features
- ID card reader and fingerprint services
- Receipt of payment transactions via e-mail
- Scanner that allows customers to send copies of documents
- Supports four languages — Arabic, English, Malayalam, and Urdu
- Electronic signature feature and capturing submitted documents
- Processing of driver and vehicle licenses, parking, and “To Whom it May Concern” certificates

Bringing Comfort and Satisfaction to Customers
“A future plan is in place to deploy more self-service machines of this type, and increase such services in shopping centers and other areas in Dubai to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the public,” Mahboub explained.
“The procedure stems from RTA’s keenness to pursue the best ways to bring comfort to customers who are the backbone of RTA’s business, and fits well within our government drive,” he added. Remarkably, the move corresponds to the first, third, and seventh strategic goals of the RTA: Smart Dubai, People’s Happiness, and RTA Excellence, respectively.
Of course, the efforts of agencies such as the RTA go hand-in-hand with the public’s awareness and cooperation. This includes learning about traffic rules and other violations, among other information. Here is a video about traffic violations that every Dubai resident should know about.