Businesses in Dubai to Operate from 6am to 11pm, Gyms and Cinemas Reopen

Dubai authorities have announced that businesses in Dubai will resume its operations and people in Dubai are allowed to move freely from 6am to 11pm. The reopening of businesses will start from May 27, 2020.

As economic activities will reopen, this pushes the movement restrictions/sterilization hours in Dubai to operate from 11pm to 6am.

Also Read: UAE Announces New List of Fines for Violators of Safety Rules

Business and commercial activities will resume operations from 6am to 11pm starting May 27. This was decided in a virtual meeting of Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management chaired by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council.


  • Retail shops and wholesale shops
  • Airport, operating for returning UAE residents and transit passengers to other destinations.
  • Clinics, including ENT and dentistry, to be available. Expansion of services to include surgeries that take less than two-and-a-half hours.
  • Training institutes and training and treatment centers for children.
  • Gyms, indoor arenas, and sports academies
  • Cinemas, while following social distancing and disinfection rules.
  • Entertainment and leisure venues such as Dubai Ice Rink and Dubai Dolphinarium.
    Auctions, online auctions preferred over physical
  • Outsourced government centers

businesss reopen dubai

Below are the posts from His Highness Sheikh Hamdan in his Twitter account regarding the announcements:

I chaired a meeting with Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis& Disaster Management, & we approved the resumption of economic activities from 6am to 11pm, starting May 27. This decision was reached following a comprehensive analysis of health and socio-economic factors of the situation.

We urge all concerned entities in Dubai to intensify awareness efforts and ensure that everyone, at organisational and individual levels, adheres to the precautionary measures and guidelines to protect the well-being of our society.

We understand the pressure experienced by numerous sectors due to the COVID-19 crisis, but the UAE community remains strong. We are able to positively adapt to the current changes, due to the flexibility that characterizes many of our sectors.

Under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed,  announces during his remote chairmanship the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai, the start of the resumption of the economic movement in # Dubai for its activities on the fourth day of Eid Al-Fitr, as the movement will be available in the emirate from 6 am to 11 am night.

Below is the list of changes in schedules and establishments reopening:


business activities to resume dubai

general rules dubai precautionary measures