UAE Tourists with Expired Visas Given One Month to Exit or Change Status

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on Monday, July 13, announced that tourists whose UAE visit visas had expired after March 1 will be given either one month to exit the country or change their visa status to avoid incurring fines.

Also Read: 50,000 AED Fine if Caught Working while on a Tourist/Visit Visa

The one-month window took effect on July 12, after the UAE Cabinet announced that the government will no longer push through with the proposed visa extension program to aid residents and citizens during these challenging times. 

one month visa renewal

Tourists with Expired Visas Required to Leave UAE in One Month or Change Status

According to Brig Khamis Al Kaabi, spokesperson of the ICA, residents and citizens within the country are given 90 days to renew their documents. Those outside the country will have a one-month window for renewal, with the grace period starting on the date of their arrival in the UAE.

What Are the Options?

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the visa renewal policy as explained by travel agents and typing centers that handle transactions such as this.

Can I get a new visit visa online?

  • No. But you can get a new visit visa either through a travel agent or typing centers.

How long will the new visit visa be valid for?

  • Visitors applying for this document can get a visit visa valid for one or three months.

How much do I pay for a new visit visa? 

  • Visas valid for one month cost AED 1,700 while those valid for three months cost AED 2,200. This includes an AED 670 fee for getting a new visa without leaving the country.

Can I also apply for a new visit visa if I am on a canceled residence visa?     

  • Yes. This is also an option you can take if your visa has been canceled during the lockdown period.

If I stay longer than expected in the UAE because of the current situation, can I convert my visit visa to a residence visa?

  • Yes. You can do this if you find a job and an employer to sponsor your visa.

How much is the fine for overstaying?

  • As per UAE immigration, visitors with expired visas will incur AED 100 per day as overstay fines.

ALSO READ: No More Visa Extension: What to Do if your Visa Expired in March or April