Last Week at Work

It’s my last week at work and I’m having mixed emotions because of the transition to another company. I’ll be resigning from my job in a Limited Licensing Company and will transfer to a Freezone Company.

I’m excited because the new role is something related to my field of expertise. My current job working as a retail sales representative is fine, but growth is not as evident here. I wish to further my career and be a more valuable asset to a company that will also

Related Article: Difference Between Limited and Unlimited Contract in the UAE

Automatic 6-month Banmall in dubai ofw

The reason for the mixed feelings is that I don’t know if the transition will be a smooth one since I will have an automatic ban from the Ministry of Labour (MOL). On top of this, my employer might impose a 1-year ban depending on his grounds.

But according to a lot of research and questions from the MOL, if it’s a free zone, there’s not much to worry about – but still I’m worried since MOL has different statements whenever I discuss my case to them. I’m only hoping for the best that my Visa Cancellation process will not be much of a deal.

Finished Submitting my 30-Day Notice

I submitted my 30-day notice a few weeks back and this last week is passing by quickly.

I’ve already spoken with my new employer and he’s just waiting for me to jump to his team and fix my documents. By then, I’ll have to go through Health and Medical Exams again and probably file for another Residence ID.

I’ve got one more week and I’m crossing my fingers that my old employer will give me my visa cancellation letter without any issue.

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