Massive Fire Breaks Out in Ajman

A massive blaze broke out in a popular market in Ajman, UAE today, August 5, 2020. Fortunately, Ajman Police were able to control the fire without any injuries or deaths as they arrived in the scene within 3 minutes.

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The fire that broke out caused parts of the building to fall and burn it completely. A report from Ajman Police states that Major General Sultan bin Abdullah Al-Naimi, Commander in Chief of Ajman Police, said that civil defense units and 25 police cars and national ambulances achieved record time in the speed of response to arrival in just 3 minutes, and prevented the buildings adjacent to him Civil defense managed to put out the fire on site.

Police teams evacuated the building, managed to control the situation, protect shop owners and keep everyone away from the fire site, which resulted in no injuries or deaths due to the event, referring to The building has been closed for 4 months due to the current conditions of the Corona crisis.

fire ajman

He added that cooling operations were currently underway on site as investigation started to find out the causes of the fire.

Below is a post from Ajman Police:

Below are some posts on social media about the fire online: