Tips on How to Prevent Fires in the UAE

There are various hazards that we need to take into consideration depending on where we are located in the world. For example, here in the UAE, the summer season can pose a great danger to our health – the extreme temperatures can cause conditions such as dehydration, skin problems, heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or worse – even death.

Aside from medical conditions, dry weather can also pose dangers to properties as well as communities. The threat of fire should always be considered as a possibility.

Tips on How to Prevent Fires in the UAE

Here are Things we can Do to Prevent Fires in UAE

In line with this, the Department of Civil Defence in Abu Dhabi has intensified its efforts to raise awareness about ways to prevent fire at home and in the workplace as temperatures in the region reaching up to 50 degrees.

As the temperature soars in the region this summer, the number of fire-related cases has also increased. For this reason, the department reminded residents to check their air-conditioning systems and have them serviced, if necessary. Residents also need to check if all appliances and other electrical equipment are working properly, and there should be no loose connections.

Operating flammable items like gas cylinders and induction cookers in the kitchen must also be done with caution.

Furthermore, the department warned residents against leaving exhaust fans on for long periods, as an overheated motor can also be a fire hazard.

Of note, authorities pointed out that some fires have also been caused by sheer negligence – like the recent one at an apartment where the resident forgot to put out his shisha and fire spread through the nearby bookshelf.

In response to this, the department urged all residents to be guided by the following safety tips:

  • Do not overload power sockets
  • Never leave mobile phones charging overnight, while you’re asleep
  • Unplug all kitchen appliances when not in use
  • Double-check gas cylinders at night and before heading out
  • Check your air-conditioning unit regularly
  • Don’t leave exhaust fans on for long periods
  • Check for loose connections in all electrical equipment
  • No flammable materials must be kept near the stove or oven
  • Ensure reliable smoke alarms are installed
  • Check your fire extinguishers
  • Practice an emergency drill with your family and friends
  • Call emergency numbers when you spot danger

In cases of emergencies, be sure to have access to these numbers:

  1. Police: 999
  2. Ambulance: 998
  3. Fire Department (Civil Defence): 997
  4. Coast Guard: 996
  5. Power Failure: 911
  6. Water Failure: 922

As pointed out by authorities, most cases of accidents or emergencies are caused by negligence. For this reason, we should all be more mindful of the things that we need to do, especially those that we have control or power over. Reminding everyone in the household or in the workplace regarding these things should be everyone’s responsibility, as well.

To know more about important safety and security tips from the Department of Civil Defence, you may visit their official website.

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