12 Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

Due to the pandemic, many of us find ourselves having to stay at home and even work from home. Also, we haven’t been able to visit our favourite salons as much as we would like. Although most salons, along with gyms, malls, and other establishments — have opened — it is still advisable for most people to stay indoors, unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, staying at home does not mean that we should stop “pampering” ourselves! There are many things that we can do to look good, even if we are working from home. When we look good, we feel good, and we become confident and positive — ready to face the day!

Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

The Work-from Home Professional’s Self-Grooming Guide

Because of the outbreak, many of us have become work-from-home professionals, as part of safety measures and precautions. Our daily routines have changed; we no longer have to rush out and brave the traffic to get to work. We can actually sleep a little later!

However, these changes should not be an excuse for us to “let ourselves go” in the appearance and fashion department. Below are some beauty and grooming tips for today’s professionals, as we all adjust to what is now being called as “the new normal.”

1. Dress with comfort and style.

Pajamas may be comfy, but they’re not exactly appropriate for a video conference call, are they? So yes, even if you’re at home, go ahead and wear something stylish, as if you are actually heading to the office — your “home office,” that is. The simple act of dressing up for work can help you become mentally and emotionally prepared for your day’s work.

2. Focus on the waist up.

When you’re in the office, you often get called in for meetings and business-related conferences. The same applies for work-from-home professionals. Throughout the day, you may be invited to join video conference calls, or have a one-on-one consultation with a client. This means that you should always be “camera ready,” especially from the waist up.

Plain-colored shirts, blouses, and tops work best; try to avoid those with too many details that could look distracting onscreen. It also helps if you have a blazer or jacket nearby, so you can easily slip into a more “professional look” anytime!

3. Check your hair and makeup.

By all means, go ahead and put some makeup on, just like before! A little mascara, some powder, blush, and lipstick should do the trick. Continue to style your hair as if you were heading to the office; keep it neat and presentable at all times. It never hurts to pay attention to your appearance! Again, remember that looking good and feeling good are closely connected!

Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

4. Check your background.

Keep in mind that it’s not just your hair, face, and clothes that will appear onscreen. Your background matters, too! You may want to clean up that mess behind you, and set up your home office with some bookshelves, a nice painting, or a few indoor plants, perhaps. These little things matter, and remember — people will be watching and noticing! Read these home office tips for some great ideas.

5. Give yourself a manicure.

When you’re not working, take time to do some self-pampering. Can’t go to the salon? Do your own manicure and pedicure. If you would like to try a new nail polish “style,” there are many Internet tutorials that you can watch. You could also order nail care products online, anytime!

6. Care for your hair.

Aside from the usual shampoo and conditioner, there is a wide range of hair products — moisturizer, oil, coloring, etc. — that you can try at home. If you are feeling brave, you can even give yourself the occasional trim, just be sure to have the right pair of scissors! Again, there are plenty of online tutorials that you can watch regarding hair trimming and styling.

As for the men, if you cannot go to the barbershop, you can always get a hair trimmer and give yourself a buzz cut; a few trims on the sides and at the back at least. If you are not sure how to do it, you can ask another person to do it for you!

Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

7. Buy a beauty/grooming kit.

There are many available beauty/grooming kits that you can buy online, whether it’s for hair care, skin care, or both. These usually contain soaps, shampoos, body wash, fragrant oils, and other products that you can use to give yourself a “spa treatment” at home.

8. Watch tutorial videos.

Most celebrities have a YouTube channel where they provide tips on beauty, fashion, grooming, and other topics. Check out your favourite celebrity’s vlog; he or she may have videos that could teach you a new beauty/grooming “hack.” Watching such videos will also keep you up to date regarding the latest trends in fashion and style.

9. Do some exercise!

Never underestimate the importance of physical exercise. Whatever you do — yoga, aerobics, stationary biking, Zumba — keep on doing these to maintain good health and fitness. After all, feeling good “inside” affects how you look “outside!”

Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

10. Drink enough water.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: drink enough water. Staying hydrated is good for the body, and for the skin, too! Be sure to drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day. Here are a few more tips for staying healthy and active.

11. Eat the right foods.

Consume less junk food and sugary drinks; eat more fruits and vegetable. Stick to a balanced diet that will not only keep you fit, but looking great as well!

12. Get enough sleep.

At the end of the day, give your mind and body enough rest. For most adults, the recommended sleep time is about 7-8 hours. No matter how busy you get, remember that adequate sleep is important!

Beauty & Grooming Tips for Work-from-Home Professionals

Being a work-from-home professional does not necessarily mean looking plain and “frumpy.” As you can see, there are many things that you can do to care for your appearance — and your health — even as you stay at home. With these beauty and grooming tips, you can look good and feel good, as we continue to adapt our daily routines to the new normal.

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