Good News: UAE Citizens to Enjoy Visa-free Entry to Kiribati Soon

There’s exciting news for UAE passport holders as the UAE travel document is soon to get much better when another prime tourist destination opens its doors for Emirati travelers after respective governments have signed a visa waiver agreement.

The new prospective visa-free travel destination is in the heart of Micronesia, as confirmed by the UAE government after it has signed an agreement on Thursday with the Republic of Kiribati to exempt their nationals from obtaining an entry visa for each other’s territories.

Good News: UAE Citizens to Enjoy Visa-free Entry to Kiribati Soon
Credits: Wikimedia Commons

UAE Passport Holder? Here’s Your Next Visa-Free Travel

The important measure was signed on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, the agreement was overseen by Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, and Beretitenti Taneti Maamau, President of the Republic of Kiribati, as shared in a report by the Khaleej Times.

The said agreement will come into effect on October 23 and is expected to facilitate travel between the two countries and encourage increased bilateral exchange.

With the expected addition of the Republic of Kiribati, the list of visa-free countries will increase to 156 on top of the other nations that have already forged bilateral agreements with the UAE including:

  1. Albania
  2. Andorra
  3. Antigua and Barbuda
  4. Argentina
  5. Armenia
  6. Austria
  7. Bahamas
  8. Bahrain
  9. Belarus
  10. Belgium
  11. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  12. Botswana
  13. Brunei
  14. Bulgaria
  15. Burkina Faso
  16. Canada
  17. Chad
  18. Chile
  19. China
  20. Colombia
  21. Costa Rica
  22. Croatia
  23. Cyprus
  24. Czech Republic
  25. Denmark
  26. Dominica
  27. Dominican Republic
  28. Ecuador
  29. Egypt
  30. El Salvador
  31. Estonia
  32. Fiji
  33. Finland
  34. France
  35. Gambia
  36. Georgia
  37. Germany
  38. Greece
  39. Grenada
  40. Guatemala
  41. Haiti
  42. Honduras
  43. Hong Kong
  44. Hungary
  45. Iceland
  46. Indonesia
  47. Ireland
  48. Italy
  49. Jordan
  50. Kazakhstan
  51. Kosovo
  52. Kuwait
  53. Kyrgyzstan
  54. Latvia
  55. Lebanon
  56. Liechtenstein
  57. Lithuania
  58. Luxembourg
  59. Macedonia
  60. Malaysia
  61. Mali
  62. Malta
  63. Mauritius
  64. Micronesia
  65. Moldova
  66. Monaco
  67. Montenegro
  68. Morocco
  69. Nauru
  70. Netherlands
  71. New Zealand
  72. Nicaragua
  73. Norway
  74. Oman
  75. Palestinian territories
  76. Panama
  77. Philippines
  78. Poland
  79. Portugal
  80. Republic of Kiribati*
  81. Romania
  82. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  83. Saint Lucia
  84. San Marino
  85. Sao Tome and Principe
  86. Saudi Arabia
  87. Senegal
  88. Serbia
  89. Seychelles
  90. Singapore
  91. Slovakia
  92. Slovenia
  93. Solomon Islands
  94. South Korea
  95. Spain
  96. St Vincent and the Grenadines
  97. Sudan
  98. Swaziland
  99. Sweden
  100. Switzerland
  101. Syria
  102. Thailand
  103. Tonga
  104. Tunisia
  105. Ukraine
  106. Uruguay
  107. Vanuatu
  108. Vatican City

Source: Gulf News, 2018

Note: These do not include countries with an e-visa requirement or visa on arrival procedure.

This is going to be exciting for Emiratis and UAE passport holders because Kiribati is one of the few places in the world where there are plenty of untouched beaches, but only a few people who visit. That being said, visitors are expected to do without the typical luxuries offered by other beach places such as Tahiti or Hawaii. It’s going to be pretty much between you and nature here.

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