1000 AED Fine for NOT Wearing a Mask, 1000 AED for NOT Maintaining Social Distance

Just some clarification on individuals and conditions of who should wear masks and when it should be done. This is in connection to a new set of of Fines for violators of quarantine and preventive measures.

UPDATE as of April 2020 – Authorities have updated the Fine for NOT wearing facial masks and everyone is REQUIRED to wear a face mask in public, whether you have symptoms or don’t have symptoms. This Fine has been further verified in recent updates in ease of restrictions.

The Ministry of Interior has clarified in a statement that those who are REQUIRED to wear medical masks are those individuals who are suffering from chronic diseases and those who are showing cold and flu symptoms.

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1000 aed fine for not wearing mask indoors uae

UAE: Not Wearing Mask for those who have symptoms will be penalized

Earlier reports circulating online mention that there’s a “AED 1000 fine for not wearing medical masks indoors” without mentioning the specific conditions of the person.

This has caused some confusion to the public since in earlier news from the UAE, authorities advised to only wear a mask if you exhibit they symptoms. Additionally, advice from the World Health Organization states that healthy persons must wear masks if they are caring for somebody who is sick.

However, with this recent announcement (posted on March 28, 2020), this should eliminate any confusion and makes it clearer for everyone to know the condition.

So to UAE residents, this means that if you do NOT exhibit any symptoms, then there is NO NEED to wear a mask.

Additionally, among the new fines listed also includes failure to maintain social distance which constitutes a Fine of AED 1000.

Please see the statement below by the Ministry of Interior:

  • 1000 AED Fine for not wearing medical masks indoors for people suffering from chronic diseases, or who have symptoms of the common cold and influenza.
  • 1000 AED Fine for Not considering distance between people

not wearing mask uae fine 1000 dirhams