331 New Cases, 29 Recoveries and 2 Deaths Announced, Total Cases in UAE Reach 2990

Breaking News: 331 New Cases, 29 New Recoveries, and 2 New Deaths of the outbreak by UAE on a Friday early morning 12:45am – April 10, 2020. This brings the total reported cases in the UAE to 2990. This announcement was by the Ministry of Health and Prevention. These new cases were infected as they did not adhere to preventive measures and social distancing, in addition to related cases of travelling abroad.

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The new cases belong to different nationalities, all of which are stable and subject to the necessary health care.

29 number of new recoveries were also reported which brings the total number of recoveries in the UAE to 268.

Sadly, 2 New Deaths were also reported which belongs to an Asian nationality and an Arab nationality. This brings the total number of deaths in UAE to 14.

The Ministry expressed its regret and sincere condolences and condolences to the families of the deceased, and its wishes for the speedy recovery of all the injured.

Total Number of Cases in UAE as of April 10, 2020 – 12:45am

  • Confirmed Cases – 2990
  • Recoveries – 268
  • Deaths – 14

uae-covid-19-cases-april 10 2020

Below is a Tweet from the Dubai Health Authority regarding the latest numbers:

dubai health authority april 10 2020 covid update

Below is the announcement from Emirates News Agency – WAM:

ministry of health and prevention

– New cases recovered and fully recovered from symptoms of the disease.
– The death of two cases of the consequences of infection with the virus.

Abu Dhabi on April 9 / WAM / in line with the plan of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection to expand and increase the scope of tests in the country with the aim of early detection and inventory of cases infected with the new coronavirus “as a benefit of 19” and those who are in contact with them and isolate them .. The Ministry announced that it has conducted more than 40 thousand new tests during the two days The last two are on different segments of society, including citizens and residents, and using the best and latest medical examination techniques.

The intensification of the investigation and examination procedures in the country and the expansion of the examinations of all citizens and residents contributed to the detection of 331 new cases of newly emerging coronavirus of different nationalities, all of which are stable and subject to the necessary health care, bringing the total number of registered cases to 2990.

The ministry also announced the death of two cases of an injured Asian nationality and another of Arab nationality from the repercussions of infection of the new Corona virus, especially as they were suffering from chronic diseases, thus bringing the number of deaths in the state to 14 cases.

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection expressed its regret and sincere condolences and condolences to the families of the deceased, and its wishes for a speedy recovery for all the injured .. Majestic members of the community to cooperate with health authorities and adhere to the instructions and commitment to social divergence to ensure the health and safety of all.

The Ministry announced the recovery of 29 new cases of people infected with the emerging coronavirus “Covid-19” and their full recovery from symptoms of the disease after receiving the necessary health care since entering the hospital, bringing the total number of cures to 268.