Dubai Clarifies that Death of Filipina Maid Not Due to Novel Coronavirus

The Dubai Media Office has denied the statements regarding the death of a Filipina domestic helper in the emirate due to coronavirus.

Also Read: UAE Warns against Rumours about Coronavirus in the UAE

According to a report from GMA News, a 58-year-old Filipina in Dubai died due to a coronavirus, which was cited by a statement by Philippine Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III. The type of coronavirus was not clarified.

However, the Dubai government clarified that the statements made by the Bello were false and that the cause of death of the Filipina was due to pneumonia.

filipina maid dubai death respiratory

Filipina Maid Dies in Dubai due to Pneumonia, NOT 2019-nCoV

The Dubai government also explained that the Filipina was suffering from a respiratory infection and had tested negative for the novel coronavirus.

Dubai Media Office denies false statements attributed to the Philippine Labour Secretary regarding a Filipina dying in Dubai due to the coronavirus. The cause of death was pneumonia and the woman had tested negative for novel coronavirus.

Below is the Tweet from the Government of Dubai Media Office:

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