World Health Organization Sends Medical Supplies to Philippines in Response to 2019-nCoV Threat

The World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO-EMRO) is sending medical supplies for health workers in countries that have been affected by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV).

In a post from their Twitter account, WHO-EMRO mentions that from its regional hub located in Dubai, they are delivering infection prevention and control materials for the 2019 nCoV outbreak.

Below is the said Tweet from the WHO-EMRO account:

The medical supplies to be delivered include gloves, gowns, masks, and sanitizers. All of this will help response efforts of up to 6000 health workers. The first flight delivery took off from Dubai to the Philippines on February 4 – Tuesday.

Aside from this, another Tweet mentions that “An additional 7 million examination gloves, 5 million surgical masks, and 1 million gowns are also being procured to support the health response to #2019nCoV and protect health workers as they identify, diagnose and treat patients.”

Updates about Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in UAE: