RTA Metro Stations in Dubai

The RTA metro is a convenient way to access the key locations of Dubai. If you’re planning to travel around the city, this is the fastest option for you. Although there are other zones in …


Taxi Price Hike on January 2014?

I was informed by a taxi driver that there was going to be a price increase on taxi fares by January 2014. This was an unexpected news which made me glad that I got to …


Getting My UAE Labour Card

Note: UAE Labour cards (pataca) have already been scrapped/phased out. They have been replaced and unified with the Emirates ID already. I received my UAE labour card the other day. It was given to me by …


Looking for Gyms in Dubai

There are lots of gyms in Dubai. Only thing is that they’re mostly off my budget. I work about 10 hours a day from my shift in a retail shop inside a mall, I have …